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Russia Health Insurance Coverage Maternity Insurance

Russia Maternity Health Insurance

Becoming a parent can be an exciting and life changing experience, it also is rather stressful and costly particularly in the modern day and age. If you are expecting or planning to have a child in the near future while residing in Russia, acquiring a comprehensive private medical insurance plan with a maternity benefit is something we urge you to consider.

Maternity Healthcare in Russia

Provided that you are insured under the government's obligatory health insurance scheme, technically you are eligible to receive medical assistance at any public hospital in the country, subjected to the general availability of rooms and medical staff.

Unfortunately to this day the attitude towards patients in public hospitals is rather neglectful. Taking advantage of the vulnerable state of pregnant women bribes are often extorted for the most basic medical services. Birthing houses in Russia often resemble army barracks, with more than four people in the room, some without shower facilities and a shared bathroom for the whole floor.

When it comes to prenatal care, delivery and post natal care, what are seen as standard practices in the western countries, in Russia are almost unattainable luxuries. There is no guarantee that the obstetrician who is following your pregnancy will be there for the delivery, nor monitor the mother and the child after birth. Traditionally the husbands are not allowed to be present during birth. The rules around visitations are also rather strict.

Until fairly recently, those who could afford it acquired maternity care packages in neighboring Finland and traveled there just for the delivery and the basic postnatal procedures, as Russia's international hospitals did not generally provide these services. Now there are several international maternity hospitals in Moscow as well as St.-Petersburg that offer services in compliance with western medical standards.

Obtaining a comprehensive maternity health insurance package will help you save on medical fees associated with maternity care. It will also reduce the stress of finding the right doctor and eliminate the risk of all-so-often negligent attitude and behavior towards expecting mothers in Russian public hospitals.

Maternity Health Insurance Waiting Periods

Typically a Russia medical insurance plan will often have a waiting period attached to a maternity coverage benefit. A waiting period is the length of time the policyholder must have been enrolled on a policy before being able to claim for a specific coverage benefit – treatment received before the completion of the waiting period cannot be claimed for under the policy.

Before purchasing your voluntary Russia medical insurance plan it is important to understand the waiting period that will be enforced on the policy before you are eligible to receive any benefits.

There are two main approaches to waiting time under the Maternity Insurance coverage:

From The Start of the Plan.

The most common form of waiting period which is applied to a Russian Maternity health insurance plan occurs From the Start of the Plan. This type of waiting period will allow the insured to receive coverage after a defined period of time. For instance it is common for an insurer to place a 10 month waiting period on Maternity coverage from the date when you initially purchased the policy.

That means that in order to have your prenatal and delivery related fees covered by your Russia maternity insurance policy you would have to have been on a plan for at least 10 months. The exact period of time varies from one insurance provider to another. Fully understand all of the clauses of the contract and be sure to know what your health insurance does and does not cover.

Until Conception

Another type of waiting period common with Russian pregnancy coverage will define when, after the purchase of a policy, you can conceive in order to have the pregnancy covered by the plan. Under a Conception related waiting period it is normal to have a waiting period in the region of 12 months after the initial enrollment. This means that in order to have the pregnancy, and delivery covered under the Russia health insurance policy, the policyholders will have to wait a minimum of 12 months before conceiving their child.

Do remember that when it comes to newly acquired individual and family health insurance plans very often pregnancy is seen as a pre-existing condition, which is the major reason for the inclusion of a waiting period on many maternity health insurance options in Russia. Be sure to get the medical insurance far ahead of actually starting a family to ensure that you are adequately protected.

While these waiting period restrictions often may not end up covering your prenatal and delivery fees due to the timing of your pregnancy against the date when you actually purchased the plan, in certain cases it may be possible to extend your medical insurance plan to your newborn infant. In order to learn more about that please click New Born Child Coverage.

Russia Maternity Health Insurance Coverage

Given that you have taken all the necessary precautions in getting you medical insurance ahead of time, with the maternity coverage you may enjoy a great variety of benefits and coverage options. Some of the most basic include:

Depending on your insurance provider, as well as the health insurance plan you chose, it may be possible to receive more comprehensive levels of maternity coverage for certain treatments like IVF or fertility treatment. However, it should be noted that the levels of coverage associated with a Russia Maternity Insurance policy will vary between insurance companies, so if you are interested in more comprehensive levels of coverage with relation to pregnancy and maternity care you should ensure that you are working with a Russian insurance provider who is able to provide the higher levels of coverage you are seeking.

Maternity Health Insurance

If you wish to find out more about Russia Health insurance or the informational services that we provide please contact us. You can also request additional resources in relation to maternity insurance and pregnancy concerns in Russia by completing the short form at the top of this page. As a leading information provider for health care and insurance matters in Russia our advisors have world wide experience when it comes to finding relevant and up-to-date information to help you make an informed decision.